Education 教育背景
1985-1989: Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies (St Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sector of Turkic-Mongol Studies. Ph D in History, 1990 1985-1989年:列宁格勒分会的东方研究所(1985-1989年俄罗斯科学院圣彼得堡分会的东方研究所突厥-蒙古人的研究部。攻读历史学博士学位课程,1990年获博士学位。
1979-1984: Tashkent State University, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan 1979-1984年:乌兹别克斯坦 塔什干国立大学东方学学院学习
Additional training: 进修:
09-10/2003: Georgetown University, Washington, USA, internship, CARI program, OSI 09-10/2003 : 乔治城大学,美国华盛顿,学习
10/2001 – 07/2002: Oxford University, University College, UK, OSI-FCO Chevening Programme
10/2001 -0 7/2002:英 国牛津大学,大学学院学习,
07/2003: Transregional Center for Democratic Studies (TCDS), New School University of New York, Summer Graduate Institute in Krakow; Courses: "Globalization and the Politics of Public Memory", "Sustaining Democracy? Boundaries, Conflict and Agreement in Democratic Politics"
07/2003 :纽约大学跨地区民主研究中心研究所学习( tcds ) 。课程: "全球化与政治的公共记忆" , "维持民主吗?界限,冲突和协议,在民主政治"
06-07/2003: Central European University, Summer University, Budapest; Course "Religion, Globalization, and the State"
06-07/2003 :中欧大学,(在布达佩斯)学习;课程: "宗教,全球化与国家"
07-08/2001: Central European University, Summer University, Budapest; Course "Contemporary Chinese Nationalism and Transnationalism"
07-08/2001 :中欧大学学习;课程: "当代中国的民族主义和跨国主义"
08/1997: KIMEP, Soros Foundation’s Summer School, Almaty; Course on Central Asian History
1997/08 : kimep ,索罗斯基金会的暑期学校(在阿拉木图)学习。课程:中亚历史
Professional experience and teaching 专业经验及教学
2005年-----哈萨克斯坦Al-Farabi 国立大学教授(Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Institute of Oriental Studies, Almaty)。中欧大学(在布达佩斯),首席教授。
ÝDzòò(维吾尔在线论坛 - Powered by CWBBS) [http://bbs.uighurbiz.cn]Îé¨áÐ
09-10/2003 ,Visiting scholar , Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA, CARI program, OSI,
09-10/2003 乔治城大学(在华盛顿特区,美国)作访问学者
Academic Expert, TEMPUS Program, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, 03/ 2003
03 / 2003年 , tempus计划,欧洲委员会(在比利时布鲁塞尔)学术专家International Projects Manager, International Academy of Business, Almaty,10/2002- 08/2003
10/2002- 08/2003 阿拉木图国际商学院 国际工程项目经理。
Fulbright Visiting Scholar , Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, 09/1998-06/1999
09/1998-06/1999 ,美国西雅图的华盛顿大学的近东语言和文明部访问学者
Associate Professor , Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of International Relations, Almaty, since 09/1996
09/1996年 ,哈萨克法拉比国立大学法学院国际关系副教授
Associate Professor , Center of World Languages, Abay Almaty State University, 09/1999-01/2000
09/1999-01/2000 阿拉木图阿拜国立大学 ,世界语言中心副教授
Senior Research Associate , Institute of Oriental Studies, Center of Uyghur Studies, Kazakh Academy of Sciences, Almaty, since 09/1996
09/1996 年,哈萨克科学院东方研究所,维吾尔学研究中心高级研究员
Head, Senior Research Associate, Junior Research Associate, Department of History and Ethnology, Institute of Uyghur Studies, Kazakh Academy of Sciences, Almaty,12/1989
1989/12 ,哈萨克斯坦科学院历史和民族学部维吾尔语研究所所长,副高级研究员,,
Assistant , Institute of Linguistics, Kazakh Academy of Sciences, Almaty, 09/1984-12/1985
09/1984-12/1985 ,哈萨克斯坦科学院语言学研究所助教
Journalist, Newspaper "Yengi zaman", Almaty, 1999-2001
1999-2001 , " 新时代"报纸,编辑记者阿拉木图,
Interpreter , UNHCR, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2002-2003 ,
2002-2003 ,联合国难民总署哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图办事处翻译
Publications 主要作品
Books: 书籍:
Tarikhi Umumi Uigurstan [General History of Uighurstan], Tehran: Center of Documentation, MFA, 2001 (in Persian). tarikhi umumi uigurstan 。
Drevniye Uighury . drevniye uighury 。 VIII-IX vv . 第八至第九的vv 。 Almaty: Nash mir, 2001 (in Russian) 2001年(俄文)
Major papers 主要论文
"Uighurs in Central Asia: changes during the last decade", Central Asia and the Caucasus: Transnationalism and Diaspora,
"Eastern Turkestan Republic (1944-1949) and International Diplomacy". "东土耳其斯坦共和国( 1944年至1949年)和国际外交" 。 Vestnik KAZNU, 2003 vestnik kaznu , 2003
"The Moghon Shine Usu Inscription as the earliest Uighur Historical Annals", Central Asiatic Journal, Vol. " ,中央亚洲,第一卷。 XLVII No. 1 2003, p. 四十七号2003年1月,页 77-90 71-90段
"Uygur imperatorluğu”, Türkler , Vol.2, Ed. By C.Güzel, K.Čiček, S.Koca, Ankara: Yeni Turkiye yayinlari, 2002, p. 225-232 "维吾尔imperatorluğu " , türkler , 1999年第28卷,编辑,
"Amerikanskie diplomaty v Vostochnom Turkestane: Doglas Seymour Mackiernan (1913-1950)" [American diplomats in Eastern Turkestan: Douglas Seymour Mackiernan (1913-1950)], Rossia, Sibir i Tsentralnaya Azia: vzaimodeistvie narodov i kultur. Materiali 3 mejdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii 45-51 " amerikanskie diplomaty v vostochnom turkestane : doglas西摩麦基尔南( 1913至1950年) " [美国外交官在东土耳其斯坦:道格拉斯西摩麦基尔南( 1913至1950年) ] , rossia , sibir i tsentralnaya azia : vzaimodeistvie narodov i kultur 。mejdunarodnoi nauchno - prakticheskoi konferentsii 45-51
"O torgovle Britanskoi Indii v Sinjiane v 1920-1930-kh gg." [On trade of British India in Xinjiang in 1920-1930s], Vestnik Kazakhskogo gosudarstvennogo Natsionalnogo Universiteta im. [关于贸易的英属印度在新疆,在1920年- 1930年代] , vestnik kazakhskogo gosudarstvennogo natsionalnogo universiteta即时通讯。 Al-Farabi. 法拉比。 Seria Mejdunarodniye otnosheniya i medunarodnoye pravo seria mejdunarodniye otnosheniya i medunarodnoye pravo
"Turks and Uighurs during the Rebellion of An Lu-shan - Shih Ch’aoyi (755-762)", Central Asiatic Journal "
"Some remarks on tribal attribution of the Turkic (Uighur) medieval archeological monuments of Zabaika’ye in Siberia", Circle of Inner Asian Art 13, Newsletter of the Department of Art and Archeology, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, (London, 2001), pp.
"Material culture of the nomadic Uighurs of the Eighth-Ninth Centuries on Central Asia", Religion, Customary Law, and Nomadic Technology Shlepp, Toronto University Press (Toronto, 2000), pp.27-33 ""Russko-Kitaiskii slovar’ vneshneekonomicheskikh terminov" [Russian-Chinese dictionary of the external economic terms], Almaty: KazGNU Press, 2000, 22 pp " russko - kitaiskii slovar ' vneshneekonomicheskikh terminov "
"Novoe v issledovanii kitaiskoi diplomatii v Tsentralnoi Azii" [New research on the Chinese Diplomacy in Central Asia], Issledovaniya po uigurovedeniyu [Uighur Studies], Vol.1 (Almaty, 1999), pp.155-159 "
"Kitaizmi v uigurskom yazike" [Chinese loan words in Uighur], Issledovaniya po uigurovedeniyu "
"Izucheniye istorii drevneuigurskikh plemen v otechestvennoi i zarubejnoi nauke" [About researches on the Old Uighurs in our country and abroad], Uighurlar hayatu yashlar nazariyetida [The life of the Uighurs from the youths’ point of view], Almaty, 1996, pp.31-75 "
"Uighur devrining epigraphik yadikarliqliri" [The epigraphic monuments of the Uighur epoch], Parvaz "维吾尔devrining epigraphik yadikarliqliri "
"Biografiya" Pugu Huaienia kak istochnik dlia izucheniya Tanskoi politiki v otnoshenii "severnikh varvarov" ["Biography of P’ughu Huaien" as a source for study of the T’ang policy towards to the "northern barbarians", Pismenniye pamiatniki i problemi istorii kultury narodov Vostoka
Mejdunarodnaya Amnistiya o grubiikh narusheniyakh Kitaiskoi Narodnoi Respublikoi prav cheloveka v Sinjian-Uighurskom Avtonomnom rayone. mejdunarodnaya amnistiya o grubiikh narusheniyakh kitaiskoi narodnoi respublikoi prav cheloveka v sinjian - uighurskom avtonomnom rayone 。 [Amnesty international on violation of human rights in the SUAR of PRC], “Yengi zaman", №10(23), 2000, 28 July, p. 4; №11(24), 2000, 19 August, p. 4-5; №12 (25), 2000, 8 September, p. 4-5; №13 (26), 2000, 21 October, p. 4; №14 (27), 2000, 25 November, p.4
Krymskiye tatary [The Crimean Tatars], “Yengi zaman”, №4 (31), 2000, 28 august krymskiye tatary [克里米亚鞑靼人] , " yengi扎曼" , № 4 ( 31 ) , 2000年8月28日
Editorial work: 编辑工作:
M. Kassimi, Istoria Uighurskoi derjavy. 米kassimi , istoria uighurskoi derjavy 。 Golubiye Turki. golubiye图尔基。 Istoriko-khronologicheskoye issledovaniye [History of the Uighur Empire. istoriko - khronologicheskoye issledovaniye [历史的维吾尔族帝国。 Kok-Turks], Vol. 角-土耳其人] ,第一卷。 1, Almaty 2000, 365 p. 1 ,阿拉木图, 2000年, 365页
Uigurlar hayati yashlar nazarida [Life of the Uighurs from the viewpoint of the youth],Almaty: "Gylym", 1996, 140 p.
Volumes "Issledovaniya po Uigurovedeniyu" [Uighur Studies], Almaty, 1999, 141 p.; Vol. 卷" issledovaniya宝uigurovedeniyu " [维吾尔研究] ,阿拉木图, 1999年, 141页;卷。 1, Almaty, 2000, 174 p.; Vol. 1 , 2000年,第174页;卷。 IV, Almaty, 2001, 100 p.; Aktualniye problemy Uigurovedeniya [Problems of modern Uighur Studies], Almaty, 2002 四,, 2001年, 100页; aktualniye problemy uigurovedeniya , 2002年
Journal Uighur Affairs survey , September 2001, Vol. 杂志维吾尔人的事务的调查 , 2001年9月,第二卷。 1, #1 1 , # 1
Academic and professional societies membership: 学术及专业社团成员:
Board Member, the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS), Harvard University, MA, USA
Circle of Inner Asian Art and Archeology, University of London, UK
The Oxford University Society, Oxford, UK
Fulbright Scholars’ Association of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan
British Alumni Association of Kazakhstan, Almaty,Kazakhstan
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