




        再帕尔·阿不力孜,男,1961年4月出生,维吾尔族,理学博士,研究员,博士生导师。现任中国医学科学院/北京协和医学院 院校长助理,院校及药物研究所学术委员会委员,国家药物及代谢产物分析研究中心主任。

      主要从事药物分析及分析化学领域的科研,重点开展质谱分析新方法、新技术及其新应用途径研究。例如,天然产物 分子鉴别以及中草药物质基础中组分群的高效、快速的分析方法研究,基于冷喷雾质谱技术的弱键化合物体系、分子间非共价弱相互作用、蛋白质构象表征的新型分析方法研究,恶性肿瘤的代谢组学研究,新型敞开式离子化技术的研制等。


      近20年来主要从事了有机质谱学的分析方法及应用研究。早期在多环芳烃类分子的质谱离子化、裂解反应机理和结构特征等研究中提出了一些新颖的观点。在国际上首次证实了芳烃上sp2 C-H/O=C新型弱引力的存在,并提出了‘准氢键’观点,从理论上扩展了氢键的覆盖面,对揭示化学及生命体内分子间相互作用提供了新依据。近十年来,带领本课题组结合国际前沿性课题、国家中药现代化以及从药用植物中快速寻找及发现先导物的需求,在以质谱技术为主的新分析方法、新应用途径等研究方面取得了一系列成果,且形成了比较明显的研究特色。





目前还兼任中国分析测试协会常务理事,中国质谱学会副理事长,北京理化分析测试技术学会副理事长、北京质谱学会理事长,日本质谱学会海外会员;国际质谱学杂志《Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.》和《J. Mass Spectrom.》以及《日本质谱学报》、《质谱学报》、《分析化学》、《药学学报》、《分析试验室》和《分析测试学报》等期刊编委;《J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.》、《J. Chromatogr. (A), (B) 》、《Analytica Chimica Acta》以及《化学学报》、《高等学校化学学报》等刊物的审稿专家。中国实验室国家认可委员会技委会药品分委会委员、国家药品监督管理局药品审评专家、国家新药开发工程技术研究中心工程技术委员会委员、国家自然科学基金委生命科学部和化学部项目评审专家,新疆大学兼职教授、新疆药物研究所客座研究员,以及北京市政协常委等。

1)      Ping Geng, Ruiping Zhang, Haji Akber Aisa, Jiuming He, Kai Qu, Haibo Zhu and Zeper Abliz*. “Fast profiling of the integral metabolism of flavonols in the active fraction of Gossypium herbaceam L. using liquid chromatography/ multi-stage tandem mass spectrometry”.  Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.,  2007, 21: 1877–1888. 
2)      Fen Yang, Ruiping Zhang, Jiuming He and Zeper Abliz*. “Development of a liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometric method for the determination of hydroxyl radical”.  Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.,  2007, 21: 107–111.
3)      杨芬,张瑞萍,贺玖明,再帕尔•阿不力孜*.  “羟自由基的产生、捕集及检测方法”  药学学报,  2007, 42(7): 692-697
4)      Jiuming He, Zeper Abliz*, Ruiping Zhang, Yuxue Liang, and Kuiling Ding. "Direct on Line Method To Monitor the Dynamic Structure of Noncovalent Titanium Complexes in Solution by Using Cold-Spray Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry". Anal. Chem.,  2006, 78: 4737 -4740.
5)      Bin Li, Zeper Abliz*, Meijun Tang, Guangmiao Fu and Shishan Yu. “Rapid structural characterization of triterpenoid saponins in crude extract from Symplocos chinensis using liquid chromatography combined with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry”. J. Chromatogr. A,  2006, 1101: 53-62.
6)      Feng Liang, Zeper Abliz*, Ruiping Zhang, Yongzhen Liu, Yongchun Yang and Jiangong Shi.  “Investigation of Interconversion between Aspacochiosides A and B by Fast-atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry”.  Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.,  2006, 20(2): 328-330.
7)      K. Ablajan, Zeper Abliz*, Xiao-Ya Shang, Jiu-Ming He, Rui-Ping Zhang, Jian-Gong Shi. “Structural characterization of flavonol 3,7-di-O-glycosides and determination of the glycosylation position by using negative ion electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry”. J. Mass Spectrom.,  2006, 41: 352-360.
8)      Bin Li, Zeper Abliz*, Guangmiao Fu, Meijun Tang and Shishan Yu. “Characteristic fragmentation behavior of some glucuronide-type triterpenoid saponins using electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry”.  Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.,  2005, 19(3): 381-390.
9)      张瑞萍,再帕尔·阿不力孜*. “分子间非共价相互作用的质谱分析方法研究进展”  分析测试学报,2005, 24(1): 117-122
10)   Lijie Cui, Zeper Abliz*, Min Xia, Liyan Zhao, Song Gao, Wenyi He, Yun Xiang, Feng Liang, and Shishan Yu. “On-line Identification of Phenanthroindolizidine Alkaloids in a Crude Extract from Tylophora atrofolliculata by Liquid Chromatography Combined with Tandem Mass Spectrometry”.  Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.,  2004, 18(2): 184-190.
11)   Yongzhen Liu, Feng Liang, Lijie Cui, Min Xia, Liyan Zhao, Yongchun Yang, Jiangong Shi, and Zeper Abliz*. “Multi-stage Mass Spectrometry of Furostanol Saponins Combined with Electroapray Ionization in Positive and Negative Ion Modes”. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.,  2004, 18(2): 235-238. 12)   Jin-ping Qiao, Zeper Abliz*, Feng-ming Chu, Pei-ling Hou, Li-yan Zhao, Min Xia, Yan Chang and Zong-ru Guo. “Microdialysis combined with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of 6-amino butylphthalide and its main metabolite in the brain of awake freely-moving rats”.  J. Chromatogr. B,   2004, 805: 93-99.
13)   Yun Xiang, Zeper Abliz* and Mitsuo Takayama. “Cleavage reactions of the complex ions derived from self-complementary deoxydinucleotides and alkali-metal ions using positive ion electrospray ionization with tandem mass spectrometry”.  J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.,  2004, 15(5): 689-696.
14)   Jin-ping Qiao, Zeper Abliz*, Feng-ming Chu, Pei-ling Hou, Feng Liang, Yan Chang and Zong-ru Guo.  “Application of a novel quadrupole-linear ion trap mass spectrometer to study of the metabolism of 6-aminobutylphthalide in rat brain”.  Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.,  2004, 18(24): 3142-3147.
15)   Rui-ping Zhang, Zeper Abliz*, Feng Liang, Li-jie Cui, Yun Xiang, Xin-sheng Lei and Zong-ru Guo. “Characteristic Elimination Reactions of 1,2-Disubstituted Phenyl Benzimidazoles and Their Isosteres 2,3-Disubstituted Phenyl Indoles in Electron Impact Mass Spectrometry”.  Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.,  2004, 18(5): 584-587.
16)   Zeper Abliz*, M. Takayama, Yun Xiang, Li-jun Li. “MS/MS Study of Deoxydinucleotides Bound with Alkali-metal Ions using ESI-MS”.   Chinese Chemical Letters.  2003, 14(5): 499-502.
17)   Yun Xiang, Zeper Abliz*, Li-jun Li, M. Takayama. “Characteristic fragmentation behavior of deoxytetranucleotides by positive ion electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry”. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.,  2003, 17(11): 1220-1224 .
18)   项赟,李立军,再帕尔·阿不力孜*.“液相色谱-质谱联用方法在药用植物成分分析中的作用”  药学学报,2002, 37(5):389-395.
19)   Feng Liang, Li-jun Li, Zeper Abliz*, Yun-chong Yang, Jian-gong Shi. “Structural characterization of steroidal sapoins by electrospray ionization and fast-atom bombardment tandem mass spectrometry”.  Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.,  2002, 16(12): 1168-1173.
20)   Yun Xiang, Zeper Abliz*, Li-jun Li, Xue-shi Huang and Shi-shan Yu.  “Study on Structural Characteristic Features of Phenanthriondolizidine Alkaloids by Fast Atom Bombardment with Tandem Mass Spectrometry”.  Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 2002, 16(17): 1668-1674.
